Chris Jojo

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Christopher Jojo
Chris Jojo - 1.jpg
Born 1967-12-14
Birth Place Manchester, England, UK
Nationality British   UK.svg

Chris Jojo is an English composer and sound designer. He has also created graphics for games. He started working on video game music in March 1993 working at Software Creations. His first video game was Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball for the SNES, in which Matthew Cannon trained him on how to create music and sound for the console. In May 2002, he left Software Creations and then worked for Acclaim. In August 2003, he quit there and started Ronin Creative Audio so he could be a freelance composer. Ever since 2009, he has also worked at Codemasters.

Music Development


Chris Jojo said this about working on the SNES:

Our Dev Kits were engineered by Mike Webb and Steve Ruddy at Software Creations, they reverse engineered the Nes and got the attention of NOJ. This was pre Windows, so the sound and sequencing was done in a DOS shell programme, the music was programmed in hexadecimal. Notes could be defined by length, with rests. Modulation 'vibrato' and pitch could be applied as called fx and ADSR envelopes could be tabled and called/switched on each channel, fades in and out could also be defined and called up. Similarly sub routines could be tabled and called for various sections of the composition. It all had to add up in terms of frame count so that when the tune eventually looped there would be no loss in sync across the channels. I generally wrote and sequenced tracks on an Atari ST using a GM synth module and sampler and coded afterwards. The ADPCM wav samples were edited a Steve Ruddy authored DOS based sound editor after being sampled and anti-alias filtered through an Ensoniq EPS16 sample station (in some instances with lower sample/bit rate wavs, through a Behringer Parametric EQ rack unit). The maximum supported sample resolution was 22k 16bit, samples with less high mid and top end (kick drums, bass etc) would be dropped down to 11k. I used sine, square and noise waveforms with short looped cycles for some simple fx and instruments. Memory budget varied depending on the cart size and scope of a project, generally I had two to three banks, around 56k per bank on the Snes.

Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball (SNES)

Ken Griffey was my first project for Software Creations, Matt did indeed train me when I started. Matt wrote the front end music, and an in-game tune as I recall. I did all of the sfx and the end credits music. We both worked with Producer Brian Ulrich who was very specific about what he wanted. I had to write the closing credits on New Years Eve (An eleventh hour addition) I was locked in 4 Park Place with a jug of coffee in Mike Webb's office and came out at 8am and went straight to bed!

Chris also stated that he worked on the title music, and that it was inspired by George Lynch.


Released Title Sample Notes
1994-03-?? Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball (SNES)
1994-09-?? Spider-Man & Venom: Maximum Carnage (SNES)
1994-11-?? Tin Star (SNES)
1994-??-?? Nintendo PowerFest 94 (SNES) Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball
1994-??-?? Spider-Man & Venom: Maxximum Carnage (GEN) Music arranged by Tony Williams and Paul Tonge.
1995-??-?? Cutthroat Island (GEN) Original Title Music; Arranged by Suddi Raval.
1995-??-?? Foreman for Real (GB) (フォアマンフォーリアル) Music arranged by Paul Tonge.
1995-??-?? Foreman for Real (GG) Music arranged by Paul Tonge.
1995-??-?? Foreman for Real (GEN)
1995-??-?? Cutthroat Island (GG) Original Title Music; Arranged by Martin Walker.
1995-09-28 Foreman For Real (SNES)
1996-01-?? Cutthroat Island (GB) Original Title Music; Arranged by Martin Walker.
1996-02-22 Cutthroat Island (SNES) Title Music
1999-10-22 Carmageddon 64 (N64)
2000-??-?? NASCAR 2000 (GBC)
2000-??-?? Nicktoons Racing (PC) Voiced The Race Announcer
2001-??-?? Nicktoons Racing (PS1) Voiced The Race Announcer
2002-06-14 Nicktoons Racing (GBA) Voiced The Race Announcer
2003-11-18 Gladiator: Sword of Vengeance (W32) SFX and Voice Recording
2003-??-?? Nicktoons Racing (ARC) Voiced The Race Announcer
2007-09-17 Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights (NDS)
2008-05-30 GRID (W64) Acoustic Guitar
2008-05-30 GRID (X360) Acoustic Guitar
2010-09-21 F1 2010 (W64) Guitars

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