Atsuko Asahi

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Atsuko Asahi
Atsuko Asahi - 01.jpg
Local 朝日 温子 (あさひ あつこ)
Born 1985-05-28
Birth Place Yokohama, Japan
Nationality Japanese   Japan.svg

Atsuko Asahi is a Japanese composer and sound designer. She has been working at Nintendo since she joined in 2010.


Released Title Sample Notes
2011-03-27 Steel Diver (3DS) (スティールダイバー) With Tôru Minegishi.
2012-11-08 Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS) (とびだせ どうぶつの森) With Manaka Kataoka.
2013-07-13 Pikmin 3 (WIIU) (ピクミン3) With Asuka Hayazaki and Hajime Wakai.
2013-09-20 The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD (WIIU) (ゼルダの伝説 風のタクトHD) With Kenta Nagata, Hajime Wakai, and Asuka Hayazaki.
2014-02-13 Steel Diver: Sub Wars (3DS) (スティールダイバー サブウォーズ) With Kenta Nagata and Tôru Minegishi.
2014-05-29 Mario Kart 8 (WIIU) (マリオカート8) With Shiho Fujii, Ryō Nagamatsu, and Yasuaki Iwata.
2014-09-13 Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS (3DS) (大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ for NINTENDO 3DS) Music Arrangement with various others.
2014-11-21 Super Smash Bros. for Wii U (WIIU) (大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ for Wii U) Music Arrangement with various others.
2017-04-28 Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (SW) (マリオカート8 デラックス) With various others.
2017-06-16 ARMS (SW) (アームズ) With Yasuaki Iwata.
2019-06-28 Super Mario Maker 2 (SW) (スーパーマリオメーカー 2) With Tôru Minegishi and Sayako Doi.

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