World Darts (DOS)

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World Darts
World Darts - DOS - Spain.jpg
Platform: DOS
Year: 1989
Developer: Binary Design Limited

World Darts is a rare 501 simulator for DOS, converted from 180 (CPC), with a few gameplay changes from World Darts (ARC).

Like on the arcade, you must beat every opponent once. Unlike in other versions of 180, you play against all opponents, not three. After you beat John, the game instantly exits to DOS.


World Darts - DOS - Main Menu.png

The main menu.

World Darts - DOS - Opponents.png

After Alvin come Andy, Ringo, George, Paul, and John.

World Darts - DOS - Aim.png

Aim one pixel too low.

World Darts - DOS - Opponent.png

The computer opponent.

World Darts - DOS - Bust.png

Bust. Thanks for writing.

World Darts - DOS - Rating.png

In CGA mode, your winning text is black on black.


One of David Whittaker's standard 180 songs has been arranged for one arpeggiated square wave. The first two seconds are almost always out of tune. The music driver is closest to Jason Brooke's Amiga driver (naturally cut down for the poor PC Speaker) and identical to the one in Strike! (DOS), which features an arrangement of a confirmed Brooke composition.

When anyone (even the computer) scores 180, a northern announcer shouts "One hundred eighty!" at 9322 Hz. The tinny 1-bit PCM data is identical to 180 (CPC).

The other 10 sounds are identical to Bubble Ghost (DOS), though only three are heard in World Darts. Bubble Ghost was programmed by Paul Ranson, released in 1988, and both games' sound-effect driver and the actual Darts game use random number generators whose initial seeds read "PAUL". The music is muted when a sound effect plays. The developer worked at unmuting the music when the sound finishes, but neglected to keep the speaker on.


The song was recorded from a Pentium 60 MHz with a microphone.

# Title ComposerArranger Length Listen Download
01 Title David WhittakerUnknown 1:46


(Source for composer: Jason Brooke on Twitter. Source for voice actor: 180 (CPC). Game lacks credits.)

Issue - Missing.svg

Source verification is needed.


Game Rip

Issue - Incomplete.svg

This rip is missing songs.







The music and sound effects are hard-coded and require a programmatic or logging format that outputs to the PC Speaker. However, this is beyond the scope of this site. The speech is in the file SP-180.BIN.

Audio Devices


Icon - PC Speaker.png


Icon - PC Speaker.png

Sound effects play as fast (and partly as high) as your PC is.

Speech plays only if your PC has the correct speed. In DOSBox 0.74, cycles must be between 541 and 900 (at least when you finish setting up the joystick). Why there is an upper limit is unknown.


  Spain.svg   Spain
World Darts - DOS - Spain.jpg
Title: World Darts
Platform: DOS
Released: 19??-??-??
Publisher: Dro Soft


180 Platform - C64.png • Platform - ZXS.png • Platform - CPC.png • Platform - A8.png • Platform - MSX.png • Platform - ARC.png • Platform - AMI.png • Platform - AST.png • Platform - DOS.png
Notable Songs Title • Set Start • Waiting
Notable Personnel David Whittaker • Jason Brooke
Notable Companies Binary Design • Mastertronic