Tomoyuki Takano

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Tomoyuki Takano
Local 高野 朋之 (たかの ともゆき)
Birth Place Unknown
Nationality Japanese   Japan.svg
Website Unknown

Tomoyuki Takano is a Japanese sound designer. He started off working at Human Entertainment around 1993. Around 2002, he joined Paon Corporation until around 2005.

Music Development


Tomoyuki used Nintendo's MP2K sound engine.


Released Title Sample Notes
1993-05-28 SOS (SNES) (セプテントリオン) Sound Team Help with various others.
1993-11-26 Tadaima Yuusha Boshuuchuu (ROM2) (ただいま勇者募集中) Sound Director
1994-06-28 Taekwon-Do (SFC) (テコンドー) Sound Support
1995-08-25 Human Grand Prix IV: F-1 Dream Battle (SFC) (ヒューマングランプリ4 F1ドリームバトル) Sound Adviser
2002-12-06 Ultimate Muscle: The Kinnikuman Legacy - The Path of the Superhero (GBA) (キン肉マンII世 正義超人への道) Sound Effects with Yukiko Togashi.
2003-11-12 Double Dragon Advance (GBA) (ダブルドラゴン アドバンス) Sound Effects
2005-02-04 DK: King of Swing (GBA) (ぶらぶらドンキー) Sound Effects with Yuichi Kanno.
2005-06-30 Trapt (PS2) (影牢II -Dark illusion-) Sound Effect [sic] with Yukiko Togashi, Yoko Mizumoto, Yuichi Kanno, and Takashi Koga.
Voice Effect with Yuichi Kanno.
2005-11-24 Konjiki no Gash Bell!! Yuujou no Dengeki Dream Tag Tournament (GBA) (金色のガッシュベル!! うなれ!友情の電撃) With Hiroaki Yoshida, Takafumi Wada, Yoko Mizumoto, Yuichi Kanno, Yoshinari Machiyama, and Yukiko Togashi.[1]
