Title BGM - Kid Icarus: Angel Land Story (NES)

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Title BGM
Output - NES.svg
Kid Icarus - NES - Title.png
Composer Hirokazu Tanaka
Arranger Hirokazu Tanaka
Released 1986-12-19
Length 1:16
Format NSF.png
Game Kid Icarus: Angel Land Story (NES)
Title Origin Official
Loops Yes
This page is for the Kid Icarus: Angel Land Story (NES) song, for more titles see Title BGM.

The Title BGM plays from the moment the game loads to when you press start to begin a new game.

The song is featured on the Famicom 20th Anniversary: Original Sound Tracks, Vol. 1 album and there is an arranged version is played on the Kid Icarus / Metroid: Arranged Version album.

Sheet Music
