Title - Sansara Naga (FC)
Title | ||||||
Title is the first song the player will hear upon bootup of Sansara Naga (FC). The song was composed by Kenji Kawai in an unknown method. It was originally composed for the Famicom version of the game, but later adapted to the Game Boy Advance adaptation, Sansara Naga 1x2.
The song's title comes from the Samsara Naga 1&2 Soundtracks CD. The song's name is in katakana タイトル (Taitoru), which literally translates to Title.
The song is in the 3/4 time signature. It starts out in A minor for the first half of the song, and then switches to a G in the second half.
Sansara Naga (FC)
Sansara Naga (FC) | ||||||||||||||
This was the first game to use the song.
The composers wrote the music, most likely in 6502 assembly language in the second version of Advance Communication Company's Sound Routine sound driver. Because the game uses the second version of the sound driver, it is tuned approximately a ¼ step sharp.
Sansara Naga 1x2 (GBA)
Sansara Naga 1x2 (GBA) | ||||||||||