Masato Horiuchi

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Masato Horiuchi
Local 堀内 雅人 (ほりうち まさと)
Birth Place
Nationality Japanese   Japan.svg
Aliases Hori_Hori, Dugia

Masato Horiuchi is a Japanese composer and sound designer who worked at SNK Playmore. He originally worked at a car shop, but due to his passion for rock bands and racing games, he decided to enter the game industry, and started working at SNK around 1999.


Released Title Sample Notes
1999-07-22 The King of Fighters '99: Millennium Battle (ARC) (ザ・キング・オブ・ファイターズ '99) With Hideki Asanaka, Hiroshi Yamazoe, Marimo, USAKO-X, Yasuo Yamate, and Toshio Shimizu.
1999-09-23 The King of Fighters '99: Millennium Battle (NG) (ザ・キング・オブ・ファイターズ '99) With Hideki Asanaka, Hiroshi Yamazoe, Marimo, USAKO-X, Yasuo Yamate, and Toshio Shimizu.
1999-12-02 The King of Fighters '99: Millennium Battle (NGCD) (ザ・キング・オブ・ファイターズ '99) With Hideki Asanaka, Hiroshi Yamazoe, Marimo, USAKO-X, Yasuo Yamate, and Toshio Shimizu.
2000-03-23 Metal Slug 3 (ARC) (メタルスラッグ3) With Takushi Hiyamuta, Yoshihiko Wada, "Q_JIROU", and Maiko Iuchi.
2000-06-01 Metal Slug 3 (NG) (メタルスラッグ3) With Takushi Hiyamuta, Yoshihiko Wada, "Q_JIROU", and Maiko Iuchi.
2003-06-19 Metal Slug 3 (PS2) (メタルスラッグ3) With Takushi Hiyamuta, Yoshihiko Wada, "Q_JIROU", and Maiko Iuchi.
2004-05-26 Metal Slug 3 (XBOX) (メタルスラッグ3) With Takushi Hiyamuta, Yoshihiko Wada, "Q_JIROU", and Maiko Iuchi.
2014-02-14 Metal Slug 3 (W64) (メタルスラッグ3) With Takushi Hiyamuta, Yoshihiko Wada, "Q_JIROU", and Maiko Iuchi.
2016-08-23 The King of Fighters XIV (PS4) Sound Producer
2018-09-06 SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy (PS4) Sound Producer
2019-02-21 SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy (W64) Sound Producer
2019-06-07 SNK 40th Anniversary Collection (W64) With Hideki Asanaka and Mayuko Hino.
2019-06-25 Samurai Shodown (PS4) (サムライスピリッツ) Sound Producer
2020-06-11 Samurai Shodown NeoGeo Collection (W64) (サムライスピリッツ ネオジオコレクション) With Hideki Asanaka and Hiroshi Yamazoe.
2022-02-17 The King of Fighters XV (W64) Sound Producer
