Masahiko Takaki

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Masahiko Takaki
Masahiko Takaki - 01.jpg
Local 高木 正彦 (たかき まさひこ)
Birth Place
Nationality Japanese   Japan.svg
Aliases Mar., Takagi, M. Takagi, Richared H. Takaki, Richard H.B, 髙木 正彦

Masahiko Takaki is a Japanese composer and sound designer known for his numerous works with Taito. He joined their sound team Zuntata in 1986 and scored a great deal of their arcade titles. He was also the third leader of the group and played guitar for their live performances.

Takaki's best known work is for the game Night Striker, and is considered by many to be his magnum opus.

It appears Takaki left the game industry around 2009. He is married to Sayoko Ueda, who also worked for Taito.


Released Title Sample Notes
1986-08-04 Bubble Bobble (NES) (バブルボブル) Sound with "Shotaro" and Hisayoshi Ogura.
1986-??-?? Darius (ARC) (ダライアス) With Yasuhiko Tanaka, Hisayoshi Ogura, Naoto Yagishita, Tsukasa Nakamura, and Eikichi Takahashi.
1987-??-?? Continental Circus (ARC) (コンチネンタルサーカス) Sound: Music Arranger, All Direction
1987-??-?? Rastan (ARC) (ラスタンサーガ) With Naoto Yagishita.
1987-??-?? Top Speed (ARC) (フルスロットル)
1988-07-26 Rainbow Islands (NES) With Kazuyuki Onui, Naoto Yagishita, "Shotaro", and "P.M.D.C.".
1988-??-?? Kuri Kinton (ARC) (功里金団) With Yasuhisa Watanabe.
1988-??-?? Operation Thunderbolt (ARC) (オペレーションサンダーボルト) With Kazuyuki Onui and Yasuko Yamada.
1988-??-?? Raimais (ARC) (レイメイズ) With Kazuyuki Onui, Naoto Yagishita, and Shizuo Aizawa.
1988-??-?? Superman (ARC) (スーパーマン) With Kazuyuki Onui, Shizuo Aizawa, and Takami Asano.
1989-04-?? Rastan (SMS) Sound Director with Naoto Yagishita.
1989-07-?? Don Doko Don (ARC) (ドンドコドン) With Yasuko Yamada.
1989-11-?? Violence Fight (ARC) (バイオレンスファイト) With Yasuko Yamada and Yasuhisa Watanabe.
1989-??-?? Night Striker (ARC) (ナイトストライカー)
1989-??-?? Rambo III (ARC) (ランボーⅢ) With Yasuko Yamada and Pinch Punch.
1989-??-?? WGP (ARC) With Yasuhisa Watanabe.
1990-04-?? Cameltry (ARC) (キャメルトライ) Special Thanks: Sound with Kazuko Umino.
1990-??-?? American Horseshoes (ARC) With Yasuhisa Watanabe and Naoto Yagishita.
1990-??-?? Quiz Torimonochou (ARC) (苦胃頭捕物帳)
1991-08-09 Rastan Saga (GG) (ラスタンサーガ) Sound Director with Naoto Yagishita.
1991-??-?? Warrior Blade: Rastan Saga Episode III (ARC) (ウォリアーブレード ラスタンサーガ エピソード III)
1993-05-28 Night Striker (MCD) (ナイトストライカー) With Hisayoshi Ogura, Tamayo Kawamoto, Yasuhisa Watanabe, and Shuichiro Nakazawa.
1994-??-?? Real Puncher (ARC) (リアルパンチャー) With Shizuo Aizawa.
1995-07-28 Night Striker (PS1) (ナイトストライカー)
1997-04-25 Gamera 2000 (PS1) (ガメラ2000) With Shuichiro Nakazawa.
1997-10-02 Psychic Force: Puzzle Taisen (PS1) (サイキックフォース パズル大戦) BGM Arrangement with Shuichiro Nakazawa and Hideki Takahagi.
1999-03-04 Psychic Force 2012 (DC) (サイキックフォース2012) BGM Arrangement with various others.
1999-10-07 Psychic Force 2 (PS1) (サイキックフォース2) Music Arrangement with various others.
2000-05-18 CosmoWarrior Zero (PS1) (コスモウォーリアー零) With Norihiro Furukawa.
2003-??-?? The Fairyland Story (DOLA) (フェアリーランドストーリー) With Naoto Yagishita and "J-MUSIC".
2014-01-22 Pitapat-Beat (IOS) With various others.

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