Mari Yoshida

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Mari Yoshida
Mari Yoshida - 01.jpg
Local 吉田 真利 (よしだ まり)
Born 19??-02-07
Birth Place Unknown
Nationality Japanese   Japan.svg

Mari Yoshida started working for Koei around 2001 for their internal development team Omega Force. She was almost always credited as either a sound designer or a sound director. She received a single music credit, as well as being credited for lyrics. In addition, she was also credited as a recording engineer and even a voice dialog editor. Most of the games she worked on were for Sony's PlayStation series, but she has also done work on other platforms as well, including PC, Xbox 360, and even the Nintendo DS.

She continues to work at Omega Force, still doing sound design and direction.


Released Title Sample Notes
2001-03-29 Kessen II (PS2) (決戦II) Sound Editing with Mahito Yokota and Kenji Nakajo.
2001-09-20 Dynasty Warriors 3 (PS2) (真三国無双2) Sound Design with Masayoshi Sasaki, Masaaki Honma, and Kenji Nakajo.
2002-08-29 Dynasty Warriors 3: Xtreme Legends (PS2) (真三國無双2 猛将伝) Localization Sound Director
Sound Design with Masato Koike, Masayoshi Sasaki, Kenji Nakajo, and Masaaki Honma.
2003-04-03 Naval Ops: Warship Gunner (PS2) (鋼鉄の咆哮2 WARSHIP GUNNER) Voice Editing
2004-02-11 Samurai Warriors (PS2) (戦国無双) Sound Design with various others.
2004-03-18 Dynasty Warriors 4: Empires (PS2) (真・三國無双3 Empires) Sound Designer with Masayoshi Sasaki, Kenji Nakajo, Masato Koike, Hidehisa Nakazono, and Ippo Igarashi.
2004-09-16 Samurai Warriors: Xtreme Legends (PS2) (戦国無双 猛将伝) Sound Design with various others.
2004-12-16 Dynasty Warriors (PSP) (真・三國無双) Sound Director
Sound Design with Masayoshi Sasaki
Localization Sound Director
2004-12-22 Kessen III (PS2) (決戦III) Sound Editor with Yasuhiro Misawa, Masato Koike, Ippo Igarashi, Hidehisa Nakazono, and Shinya Nemoto.
2005-02-24 Dynasty Warriors 5 (PS2) (真三国無双4) Sound Design with Masato Koike, Ippo Igarashi, Hidehisa Nakazono, Yasuhiro Misawa, Michihiko Shichi, and Shinya Nemoto.
2005-08-25 Dynasty Warriors 5 (XBOX) (真三国無双4) Sound Design with Masato Koike, Ippo Igarashi, Hidehisa Nakazono, Yasuhiro Misawa, Michihiko Shichi, and Shinya Nemoto.
2006-02-02 Nobunaga's Ambition: Iron Triangle (PS2) (信長の野望 革新) Sound Director
2006-02-24 Samurai Warriors 2: Xtreme Legends (PS2) With Minoru Mukaiya, Shinichiro Nakamura, Hidehisa Nakazono.
2006-09-28 Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI (PS2) (三國志11) Sound Director
2007-03-21 Warriors Orochi (PS2) (無双 Orochi) Sound Editor with Masayoshi Sasaki, Kenji Nakajo, Hidehisa Nakazono, Masako Otsuka, Haruki Yamada, and Ippo Igarashi.
2007-08-30 Bladestorm: The Hundred Years' War (PS3) (ブレイドストーム 百年戦争) Sound Editor with Hidehisa Nakazono, Kensuke Inage, Ippo Igarashi, and Kenji Nakajo.
2007-10-22 Bladestorm: The Hundred Years' War (X360) (ブレイドストーム 百年戦争) Sound Editor with Hidehisa Nakazono, Ippo Igarashi, Kensuke Inage, and Kenji Nakajo.
2008-02-21 Warriors Orochi (PSP) (無双 Orochi) Sound Editor with Masayoshi Sasaki, Kenji Nakajo, Hidehisa Nakazono, Masako Otsuka, and Haruki Yamada.
2008-03-13 Kantan! Tanoshii! Okashi Navi DS (NDS) (かんたん!たのしい!お菓子ナビDS) Sound Director
2008-03-20 Warriors Orochi (W64) (無双 Orochi) Sound Editor with Masayoshi Sasaki, Kenji Nakajo, Hidehisa Nakazono, Masako Otsuka, Haruki Yamada, Ippo Igarashi, and Yojiro Yoshimatsu.
2008-04-03 Warriors Orochi 2 (PS2) (無双OROCHI 魔王再臨) Sound Editor with various others.
2008-10-02 Dynasty Warriors 6 (PS2) (真・三國無双 5 Special) Sound Editor with Shinichiro Nakamura, Hidehisa Nakazono, Masako Otsuka, Yojiro Yoshimatsu, and Kenji Nakano.
2009-01-22 Monster Racers (NDS) (モンスター★レーサー) Sound Director
2010-03-25 Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage (X360) (北斗無双) Sound Editor with Kensuke Inage, Hidehisa Nakazono, and Miki Fujii.
2012-06-28 Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk (PS3) (アーシャのアトリエ 〜黄昏の大地の錬金術士〜) Stargazer: Recording Engineer
2012-09-25 Dead or Alive 5 (PS3) Audio Design with Shigekiyo Okuda, Hiroaki Takahashi, and Yosuke Kinoshita.
2012-11-08 Dynasty Warriors 6: Empires (PS3) (真・三國無双5 エンパイアーズ) Sound Editor with Masayoshi Sasaki.
2013-09-03 Dead or Alive 5: Ultimate (X360) Audio Design with Hiroaki Takahashi, Shigekiyo Okuda, and Yosuke Kinoshita.
2014-02-22 Nobunaga's Ambition: Sphere of Influence (PS4) (信長の野望・創造) Sound Director
2014-03-27 Atelier Ayesha Plus: The Alchemist of Dusk (VITA) (アーシャのアトリエ Plus ~黄昏の大地の錬金術士~) Stargazer: Recording Engineer
2014-09-04 Samurai Warriors 4 (PS4) (戦国無双4) Vocals with Yumiko Saito.
2014-09-27 Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water (WIIU) (零 濡鴉ノ巫女) Cinematics Audio Design with Yojiro Yoshimatsu and Shigekiyo Okuda.
2015-02-17 Dead or Alive 5: Last Round (PS4)
2015-03-12 Yakuza 0 (PS4) (龍が如く0 誓いの場所) Tempest Studio Co., Ltd.: Lyricist/Vocalist
2015-04-14 Bladestorm: Nightmare (PS4) (ブレイドストーム 百年戦争&ナイトメア) Sound Editor with Hidehisa Nakazono, Ippo Igarashi, and Masayoshi Sasaki.
2015-09-17 Samurai Warriors 4 Empires (PS4) (戦国無双4 Empires) Recording & Mixing Engineer
2015-11-19 Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book (PS4) (ソフィーのアトリエ ~不思議な本の錬金術士~) Sekai, HoshitoSoratoMichito, Somewhere, Sometime: Recording Engineer
2016-01-28 Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIII (PS4) (三国志13) Sound Director
2016-03-24 Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Fortune (PS4) With Masayoshi Sasaki and Kosuke Mizukami.
2016-07-28 Toukiden 2 (PS4) (討鬼伝) Sound Designer with Atsuo Saito, Junya Ishiguro, and Shigekiyo Okuda.
2017-02-07 Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book (W64) (ソフィーのアトリエ ~不思議な本の錬金術士~) Sekai, HoshitoSoratoMichito, Somewhere, Sometime: Recording Engineer
2017-02-21 Berserk and the Band of the Hawk (PS4) (ベルセルク無双) Sound Designer with Hidehisa Nakazono, Masato Koike, Atsuo Saito, Yugen Umemura, Gota Masuoka, and Hiromu Akaba.
2017-03-30 Blue Reflection (PS4) (ブルーリフレクション 幻に舞う少女の剣) Movie Sound Technician with Hayato Asano, Kazuki Yanagawa, Takashi Yoshida, Yojiro Yoshimatsu, Yugen Umemura, and Gota Masuoka.
2017-03-30 Warriors All-Stars (PS4) (無双☆スターズ) Sound Designer with various others.
2017-11-30 Nobunaga's Ambition: Taishi (PS4) (信長の野望・大志) Sound Director
2018-03-27 Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings (PS4) (リディー&スールのアトリエ ~不思議な絵画の錬金術士~) Sound: Recording Engineer with Kotaro Odaka, Shigeru Nakazato, and Dani.
2018-09-27 Warriors Orochi 4 (PS4) (無双OROCHI3) Voice Editor with Junya Ishiguro.
2019-03-01 Dead or Alive 6 (PS4) Audio Design with various others.
2019-03-20 Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Scarlet (PS4) Musician with Masayoshi Sasaki and Kosuke Mizukami.
Recording Engineer
2019-03-26 Nelke & the Legendary Alchemists: Ateliers of the New World (W64) (ネルケと伝説の錬金術士たち ~新たな大地のアトリエ~) Ending Theme: Birth: Special Thanks
2019-06-25 Samurai Shodown (PS4) (サムライスピリッツ) Revive the Soul: Lyrics
2019-09-26 Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout (PS4) (ライザのアトリエ ~常闇の女王と秘密の隠れ家~) Sound Director, Sound Designer
Prologue Theme: Rainbow Summer: Lyrics with Kosuke Mizukami.
2021-01-29 Buddy Mission Bond (NS) (バディミッション BOND) Sound Director
Chorus with shoko, Takumi Ogawa, and Kosuke Mizukami.
Vocal Recording Engineer
2021-10-27 Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water (W64) (零 ~濡鴉ノ巫女) Cinematics Audio Design with Yojiro Yoshimatsu and Shigekiyo Okuda.
2021-11-08 Blue Reflection: Second Light (W64) Sound Project Manager
2022-02-17 Touken Ranbu Warriors (NS) (刀剣乱舞無双) Sound Production Manager

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