Kevin Choong

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Kevin Choong
Birth Place
Nationality American   USA.svg

Kevin Choong is an programmer and musician who worked for Digital Eclipse. While he was primarily a programmer, a few of his credits are for music.

Music Development


Choong created MIDI files that was converted to his own sound driver. His driver may have been bought from Lik Sang, as with many of GameBrains' development.

NFL Blitz 2001 possibly uses modified version of his sound driver.


Released Title Sample Notes
1999-??-?? Paperboy (GBC)
1999-03-?? 720° (GBC)
1999-12-08 NFL Blitz 2000 (GBC)
1999-12-?? Marble Madness (GBC)
2000-09-14 NFL Blitz 2001 (GBC) Reused music from NFL Blitz 2000 (GBC).
