Kenji Yokoyama

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Kenji Yokoyama
Local 横山 賢司 (よこやま けんじ)
Birth Place
Nationality Japanese   Japan.svg

Kenji Yokoyama is a Japanese composer and sound designer. He was the primary composer for Tengen Ltd., Tengen's Japanese division.


Released Title Sample Notes
1993-08-13 Marble Madness (SMD) (マーブル マッドネス) Arranged Hal Canon and Brad Fuller's music from the arcade version.
1994-03-25 Grind Stormer (GEN) (ヴィ ファイブ)
1994-11-22 Tama: Adventurous Ball in Giddy Labyrinth (SAT)
1994-12-03 Tama: Adventurous Ball in Giddy Labyrinth (PS1)
1995-08-04 Race Drivin' (SAT) (レースドライビン)
1996-06-28 Race Drivin' a Go! Go! (PS1) (レースドライビン ゴー!ゴー!) With Kensuke Komatsu and Naoki Tsuchiya.
1997-01-17 Shinrei Jusatsushi Taroumaru (SAT) (心霊呪殺師太郎丸) With Shunichi Hanawa.
Unreleased Off the Wall (TG16) Arranged John Paul's music from the arcade version.
Unreleased Peter Pack-Rat (TG16) Arranger?
