John De Bello

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John Anthony De Bello
John De Bello - 01.jpg
Born 1952
Birth Place
Nationality American   USA.svg

John De Bello is an American film-maker, best known for being the director and co-writer of the movie Attack of the Killer Tomatoes and its three sequels.

In addition to directing the movie, De Bello also wrote its theme song, which was subsequently adapted into the theme for the later animated TV spin-off series.


(Note: Since John De Bello is not a video game music composer, his gameography is listed in alphabetical order.)

Released Title Sample Notes
1991-??-?? Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (NES)
Theme Song, arranged by Mark Van Hecke.
1992-01-?? Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (GB) (キラートマト) Theme Song; Arranged by Amy Dyson.
