James Bond Jr. (NES)

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James Bond Jr.
James Bond Jr. - NES - USA.jpg
Platform: Nintendo Entertainment System
Year: 1991
Developer: Eurocom Entertainment Software

James Bond Jr. is a NES video game based off a cartoon series of the same name. The game puts the player in control of James Bond's teenage nephew, James Bond Jr. Many scientists have disappeared, and it is Junior's task to find them and save the world. Agents have seen missile sites on an island and they believe that Scumlord is responsible. All in a day's work...

This version of James Bond Jr. is a side-scrolling shooter with puzzle-solving elements. Beside dealing with enemies, the protagonist will also have to complete certain tasks in most levels, such as locating blueprints, rescuing hostages, etc. Sometimes a logic puzzle must be solved in order to advance. Each stage has a time limit.


James Bond Jr. - NES - Title-Menu Screen.png

Title-Menu screen.

James Bond Jr. - NES - Opening.png

Opening story.

James Bond Jr. - NES - Gameplay 1.png

Gameplay 1.

James Bond Jr. - NES - Gameplay 2.png

Gameplay 2.

James Bond Jr. - NES - Puzzle.png

Solving a puzzle.

James Bond Jr. - NES - Office.png

Inside the office.


Neil Baldwin remembers his music work at James Bond Jr.:

I don't honestly remember much about this game apart from it being loosely based on the comic/cartoon of the same name.

I continued development of the music drivers, probably one of the key changes being me dropping the use of delta-mod samples. Instead I started using the old C64 trick of synthesizing drums sounds by rapidly stuffing numbers into the noise voice (and the triangle-wave voice).

Another old C64 trick I employed a lot in James Bond Jr (and continued to do so for almost all the other NES projects I worked on) was to simulate echo but just using a single voice. Instead of using two voices, one playing a melody and the second at a lower volume but slightly delayed, the single-voice method used slightly truncated note lengths and in the gaps in between notes, play the same notes shifted later in time, quickly dropping the voice volume (and then restoring it to play the next melody note).


# Title Composer Length Listen Download
01 Title Screen Neil Baldwin 1:19
02 Cutscene Neil Baldwin 1:01
03 Level 1 - Disable Missiles Neil Baldwin 8:32
04 Level 2 - Recover the Blueprints Neil Baldwin 0:57
05 Level 3 - Destroy Factory Rooms Neil Baldwin 1:19
06 Level 4 - Save the Scientists Neil Baldwin 1:22
07 Totem Boss ~ Factory Machine ~ Scientist Room Neil Baldwin 0:48
08 Battle with Scumlord Neil Baldwin 1:03
09 Objective Complete Neil Baldwin 0:04
10 Continue Screen Neil Baldwin 0:05
11 Unused Music Neil Baldwin 2:34


(Source: Game Credits)

Game Rip






Audio Devices

The game uses the 2A03 of the NES. The game uses Neil Baldwin's sound driver.


  USA.svg   USA
James Bond Jr. - NES - USA.jpg
Title: James Bond Jr.
Platform: Nintendo Entertainment System
Released: 1991-11-??
Publisher: THQ
  EU.svg   EU
James Bond Jr. - NES - EU.jpg
Title: James Bond Jr.
Platform: Nintendo Entertainment System
Released: 1992-??-??
Publisher: THQ
