Ikuko Mimori

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Ikuko Mimori
Local 御守 郁子 (みもり いくこ)
Birth Place
Nationality Japanese   Japan.svg
Aliases Mimori, Ikko Mimori, Milton Joe (?)

Ikuko Mimori is a Japanese composer and sound designer. She joined Tamtex, later known as Irem Tokyo Development Division, in 1986 and composed the music to many of their games, primarily for the home console market. Some of her best known games include Hototogisu (FC) and R-Type III (SNES). She later left Tamtex around 1994 and joined Koei. There, she didn't do as much composition as much as arrangement, sound effects, and audio implementation. After her brief stint at Koei, she joined HAL Laboratory's division Jack and Beans' title Pokemon Snap!.

Since March 11, 2010, Ikuko's website has been under construction. It is currently unknown what Ikuko does today.

Audio Development


Mimori used custom sound drivers by Tamtex. Since most of the company's games lacked credits, it is unknown who programmed the drivers, or if Ikuko wrote them herself.

Daiku no Gen-san 2 uses Micronics' last sound driver, so it is most likely someone from Micronics arranged her music into the sound driver. It used a custom Music Macro Language, using a pair of hexadecimal numbers; the first denotes the note's pitch, and the second its length.


Released Title Sample Notes
1987-03-05 Super Lode Runner (FDS) (スーパーロードランナー) With "Kakinuma".
1987-05-01 Monitor Puzzle Kineko: Kinetic Connection Vol II (FDS) (きね子2) With "Shuly Kakinuma" and "LN Project".
1987-08-04 Mahjong Kazoku (FDS) (麻雀家族) Composer?
1987-08-25 Super Lode Runner II (FDS) (スーパーロードランナーII) With "Kakinuma".
Staff Roll music only.
1988-03-18 Napoleon Senki (FC) (ナポレオン戦記) French national anthem arrangement only.
1988-08-19 Hototogisu (FC) (不如帰)
1989-11-27 Gekitotsu Yonku Battle!! (FC) (激突四駆バトル)
1989-12-15 Shinsenden (FC) (神仙伝) With Izuki Yanagiya.
1990-07-13 Shisenshou: Match-Mania (GB) (四川省)
1990-12-14 Paaman: Enban o Torikaese!!! (FC) (パーマン えんばんをとりかえせ!!)
1991-02-?? Metal Storm (NES) (重力装甲メタルストーム) Arrangement and Sound Effects
1991-07-11 Ganso!! Yancha-Maru (GB) (元祖!! ヤンチャ丸) Arrangement, partial composition, sound effects.
1991-09-27 Spartan X 2 (FC) (スパルタンX 2)
1991-11-15 Hammerin' Harry (NES) (大工の源さん) Arranged Hiroshi Kimura's music from Hammerin' Harry (ARC).
1992-??-?? Bomberman World (ARC) (ボンバーマンワールド)
1992-07-31 Hammerin' Harry (GB) (大工の源さん〜ゴースト・ビルディング・カンパニー)
1993-03-26 Eiyuu San Goku Shi (ROM2) (英雄三国志)
1993-07-30 Shuyaku Sentai Irem Fighter (GB) (主役戦隊アイレムファイター)
1993-10-22 Daiku no Gen-san 2: Akage no Dan no Gyakushuu (FC) (大工の源さん 赤毛のダンの逆襲)
Unknown arranger.
1993-12-10 R-Type III: The Third Lightning (SNES) (R−TYPE 3)
1994-03-25 Daiku no Gen-san: Robotto Teikoku no Yabou (GB) (大工の源さん〜ロボット帝国の野望)
1994-??-?? EMIT Vol. 3: Watashi ni Sayonara o (MAC) (EMIT Vol.3 私にさよならを)
1995-09-15 Nobunaga no Yabou: Haouden (PS1) (信長の野望 覇王伝) Arrangement
1995-09-29 Nobunaga no Yabou: Tenshouki (SAT) (信長の野望 天翔記) Arrangement, Sound Effects
1995-??-?? Celtic Tales: Balor of the Evil Eye (W32) (ケルトの聖戦) Koei Jingle
1996-02-23 P.T.O. II: Pacific Theater of Operations (SAT) (提督の決断2) Arrangement, Sound Effects
1996-03-22 Air Management '96 (PS1) (エアーマネジメント '96) Arrangement, Sound Effects
1996-03-22 Air Management '96 (SAT) (エアーマネジメント '96) Arrangement, Sound Effects
1996-03-22 Winning Post 2 (SAT) (ウイニングポスト2) Transplant
1996-04-05 Nanatsu no Hikan (SAT) (七つの秘館) Arrangement, Sound Effects
1998-??-?? Top Management II (W32) (トップマネジメント II) Transplant
1999-03-21 Pokemon Snap (N64) (ポケモンスナップ)
