How to help
This is a guide for newcomers on how they can help update the Video Game Music Preservation Foundation (VGMPF) Wiki.
Create an Account
To create an account, click here.
Wiki Format
The Video Game Music Preservation Foundation uses the same Wiki software as Wikipedia. It is meant to be easy, but if you've never updated a Wiki before, it may seem a little intimidating. To understand the Wiki syntax, check out the MediaWiki User Guide.
Editing Rules
In order to maintain a common structure to the Wiki, Editing Rules have been created. Before you do any major updates, take a quick look at them, and before you upload files, read about the accepted file formats. It's usually safe to just copy and paste from the structure of an existing page, but the structure has changed over time, and some older pages haven't yet been updated. Copying from recently updated pages will help ensure you get the latest formats.
To Do
The To Do page lists all of the work that still needs to be done on the VGMPF.