Hironori Tanaka

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Hironori Tanaka
Local 田中 宏典 (たなか ひろのり)
Birth Place Unknown
Nationality Japanese   Japan.svg

Hironori Tanaka is a Japanese composer and sound designer. He worked for Human Entertainment as a part of their H.E.L.P. sound team from around 1991 to 1994.


Released Title Sample Notes
1991-03-01 Final Match Tennis (PCE) (ファイナルマッチテニス)
1991-06-28 Fastest 1 (SMD) (ファステスト・ワン) Sound Design
1991-12-13 Super Soccer (SNES) (スーパーフォーメーションサッカー) With Hiroya Niwayama, Masamichi Yamazaki, and Tetsuji Ohtani.
1991-12-20 Super Fire ProWrestling (SFC) (スーパーファイヤープロレスリング) With Hiroya Niwayama, Masamichi Yamazaki, Tetsuji Ohtani, and Hiroshi Suzuki.
1992-02-28 Human Sports Festival (ROM2) (ヒューマンスポーツフェスティバル) Fine Shot Golf Staff: Sound with Hiroya Niwayama and Tetsuji Ohtani.
1993-06-28 SOS (SNES) (セプテントリオン) Sound Team Help with various others.
1993-06-11 Super Formation Soccer II (SFC) (スーパーフォーメーションサッカー 2) With Masamichi Yamazaki and Hideto Meda.
1993-10-29 Magicoal (ROM2) (マジクール) PSG BGM
1994-01-15 Formation Soccer on J.League (PCE) (フォーメーション サッカー オンJリーグ) Composer with various others.
SE Designer
1994-09-09 The Firemen (SNES) (ザ・ファイヤーメン) With Hideto Maeda, Konomi Ito, and Hiroyuki Naka.
