Hirofumi Taniguchi

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Hirofumi Taniguchi
Local 谷口 博史 (たにぐち ひろふみ)
Birth Place Japan
Nationality Japanese   Japan.svg

Hirofumi Taniguchi is a Japanese composer and sound designer. In 1991, he joined Konami and their in-house audio group Konami Kukeiha Club. There, he primarily composed music for their home console games. In 1997, he left Konami to work at Love-de-Lic. Around this time, he also started the group "Thelonius Monkees" with former Konami composers Masanori Adachi and Taro Kudo. When Love-de-Lic folded, he moved on to Skip. He worked for the company for many years, working on many of their games and composing many memorable soundtracks.

In 2015, Taniguchi left 2015 and is currently active as a freelance composer.


Released Title Sample Notes
1992-02-28 Contra III: The Alien Wars (SNES) (魂斗羅スピリッツ) Sound Designers: Sound Effect with Masanori Ouchi and Hiroshi Kobayashi.
1993-07-16 Mouryou Senki Madara 2 (SFC) (魍魎戦記MADARA2) Konami Kukeiha Club: Musical Compose with Tappi Iwase, Miki Higashino, and Aki Hata.
1994-09-14 Contra: Hard Corps (GEN) (魂斗羅 ザ・ハードコア) With Hiroshi Kobayashi, Akira Soji, Kenji Miyaoka, Michiru Yamane, and Akira Yamaoka.
1995-12-15 Suikoden (PS1) (幻想水滸伝) With Miki Higashino, Tappi Iwase, Mayuko Kageshita, and Koshi Tamawari.
1998-03-26 Genso Suikoden (W32) (幻想水滸伝) Original Staff: Music Compose with Miki Higashino and Koshi Tamawari.
1999-06-24 UFO: A Day in the Life (PS1) Dubbing Music
2000-11-02 L.O.L.: Lack of Love (DC) (エル・オー・エル) With Sophie Barat.
2000-??-?? BeatMania III (ARC) "Trust no one" with Masanori Adachi.
2001-03-09 Kotobattle: Tengai no Moribito (GBC) (コトバトル 天外の守人) With Akira Takemoto and Ryuichi Sato.
2001-05-31 Endonesia (PS2) (エンドネシア) With Masanori Adachi.
2002-10-03 Chulip (PS2) (チュウリップ)
2003-04-25 Giftpia (GC) (ギフトピア)
2005-06-23 Chibi-Robo! (GC) (ちびロボ!)
2008-08-28 Captain Rainbow (WII) (キャプテン★レインボー)
2010-11-22 Snowpack Park (WII) (ペンギン生活)
2011-06-13 Wii Play: Motion (WII) (Wiiリモコンプラス バラエティパック)
2015-10-08 Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash (3DS) (なげなわアクション! ぐるぐる!ちびロボ!)
2017-01-25 DANDY DUNGEON Legend of Brave Yamada (IOS) (勇者ヤマダくん) 4 songs.
2017-11-01 Million Onion Hotel (AND) (ミリオン オニオン ホテル)
2017-11-01 Million Onion Hotel (IOS) (ミリオン オニオン ホテル)
2018-10-18 Black Bird (SW) (ブラックバード)
2019-06-27 Dandy Dungeon: Legend of Brave Yamada (SW) (勇者ヤマダくん)
2019-10-10 Moon (SW) (勇者ヤマダくん) With Masanori Adachi and Taro Kudo.
