Hayata Takeda

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Hayata Takeda
Hayata Takeda - 01.jpg
Local 竹田 隼大 (たけだ はやた)
Born 1992-06-10
Birth Place Gifu, Gifu Prefecture, Japan
Nationality Japanese   Japan.svg
Aliases H.T.

Hayata Takeda is a Japanese composer and sound designer. After graduating HAL Tokyo's Music Department, he joined Tose around 2013. He is one of the youngest sound designers to have worked for the company. He originally started doing sound design, but branched his way into music composition, arrangement, and production. Takeda hopes to be able to compose many different genres for the games he works on.

He is perhaps best known for his arrangements in World of Final Fantasy, which he did alongside Shingo Kataoka. He is also known for composing the music to Scarlet Nexus.


Released Title Sample Notes
2013-08-01 Killer Is Dead (PS3) (キラー イズ デッド) Additional Music Composer with various others.
2016-10-25 World of Final Fantasy (PS4) (ワールド オブ ファイナルファンタジー) With Shingo Kataoka and Takashi Honda.
2017-07-29 Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age (3DS) (ドラゴンクエストXI 過ぎ去りし時を求めて) Sound Design
2017-10-19 Itadaki Street: Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary (PS4) Arrangement
2018-11-06 World of Final Fantasy Maxima (SW) (ワールド オブ ファイナルファンタジー マキシマ) With Shingo Kataoka and Takashi Honda.
2021-06-24 Scarlet Nexus (PS5)
