Game Start - Nazo no Murasamejou (FDS)

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Game Start
Composer Koji Kondo
Released 1986-04-14
Title Origin Official
Loops No

Game Start is a jingle in Nazo no Murasamejou. It plays when the player Takamaru is about to enter the village or castle.

The song title comes from the FAMICOM 20TH ANNIVERSARY ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS VOL.1 album. Its title ゲームスタート (Gēmu Sutāto) literally translates to Game Start.

The song was written by Koji Kondo in 6502 assembly using his own sound driver.


Nazo no Murasamejou (FDS)

Platform - FDS.png
Nazo no Murasamejou (FDS)
Output - FDS.svg
Nazo no Murasamejou - FDS - Game Start.png
Arranger Koji Kondo
Released 1986-04-14
Length 0:03
Format NSF

Famicom Mini: Nazo no Murasame-Jou

Platform - GBA.png
Famicom Mini: Nazo no Murasame-Jou
Output - GBA.svg
Arranger Koji Kondo
Released 2004-08-10
Length 0:03