Game Over - Wizball (C64)

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Game Over
Output - SID.svg
Wizball - C64 - Game Over.png
Composer Martin Galway
Arranger Martin Galway
Released 1987-??-??
Length 0:05
Format SID.png
Game Wizball (C64)
Title Origin Official
Loops No
This page is for Wizball (C64) song, for more titles see Game Over.

The Game Over fanfare is played when you lose all of your lives. It is a brief, but stimulating guitar solo.

Galway had the following to say about this track:

Chris Yates wrote the game over riff on his electric guitar. They were pretty impressed by the translation when they came back with my blow-out [burger].

The electric guitar instrument sound is very similar to the one used in the Highlander arrangement of A Kind of Magic, arranged by Martin Galway a year earlier.

Martin Galway should be contacted to see if the tune has an official title. It is track 8 in the SID file.
