DragonStrike (X68)

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DragonStrike - X68 - Japan.jpg
Platform: X68
Year: 1992
Developer: CrossTalk Inc.
For other games in the series see DragonLance.

DragonStrike is a combat flight simulator based on the world of DragonLance. You play a dragon rider who must engage evil dragons and various other monsters of the DragonLance world. You battle your foes with your DragonLance and the breath weapon of your mount.

This is probably the first fantasy-themed flight simulator. Unfortunately, the 3D engine used in the game hasn't aged well, the view port is small, and the controls take awhile to get used to. Having to maneuver your dragon, the position the DragonLance, and alter your speed is difficult to do on the keyboard. However, the full-screen graphics for each cut scene are very attractive.

The Sharp X68000 version is one of two Japanese releases of the game, the other being the PC-9801 version. It features similar graphics and sound, although the game runs at a much worse framerate. Also, the 3D-dragon models have been reduced to 2D-sprites.


DragonStrike - X68 - Title Screen.png

The title screen.

DragonStrike - X68 - Gameplay 1.png

The first level.

DragonStrike - X68 - Ending.png

Stage Clear.

DragonStrike - X68 - Promotion.png


DragonStrike - X68 - Cutscene 3.png

One of the cutscenes.

DragonStrike - X68 - Game Over.png

Game Over.


DragonStrike for the X68000 both features music from the original western versions by Paul Mudra, as well as some new music from Yoshio Kobayashi and Yasuhiro Kawasaki. The entire soundtrack is shared with the PC-9801 version, but because of the X68000's more powerful YM2151 chip, it can play the music in better quality. There are also now songs that play during the cutscenes, something the western computer versions did not have. However, unlike those versions, there is no mission music, so in the stages, all you get is the sound of your dragon's wings flapping, with other occasional sound effects.

Unfortunately, because of how much time has passed since the game's released, both composers were unable to remember which songs they worked on.

Both composers wrote their music in OPMDRV, which required its users to write in Music Macro Language.


# Title ComposerArranger Length Listen Download
01 Opening Paul MudraYoshio Kobayashi, Yasuhiro Kawasaki 1:09
02 Enter The Symbol Yoshio Kobayashi, Yasuhiro KawasakiYoshio Kobayashi, Yasuhiro Kawasaki 0:36
03 Cutscene Paul MudraYoshio Kobayashi, Yasuhiro Kawasaki 0:48
04 Cutscene 2 Yoshio Kobayashi, Yasuhiro KawasakiYoshio Kobayashi, Yasuhiro Kawasaki 0:50
05 Cutscene 3 Yoshio Kobayashi, Yasuhiro KawasakiYoshio Kobayashi, Yasuhiro Kawasaki 0:42
06 Cutscene 4 Yoshio Kobayashi, Yasuhiro KawasakiYoshio Kobayashi, Yasuhiro Kawasaki 0:15
07 Cutscene 5 Yoshio Kobayashi, Yasuhiro KawasakiYoshio Kobayashi, Yasuhiro Kawasaki 0:37
08 Mission Clear Paul MudraYoshio Kobayashi, Yasuhiro Kawasaki 0:12
09 Mission Clear 2 Paul MudraYoshio Kobayashi, Yasuhiro Kawasaki 0:44
10 Ending Yoshio Kobayashi, Yasuhiro KawasakiYoshio Kobayashi, Yasuhiro Kawasaki 0:53
11 Ending 2 Yoshio Kobayashi, Yasuhiro KawasakiYoshio Kobayashi, Yasuhiro Kawasaki 3:11
12 Game Over Paul MudraYoshio Kobayashi, Yasuhiro Kawasaki 0:13



The game's credits can be seen upon completion. While the game's manual also has credits, it curiously leaves out the composers. It also doesn't mention the game was developed by Crosstalk.

Game Rip

Issue - Incomplete.svg

This rip is missing songs.









The rip includes both the VGM files, as well as the OPM and driver files.

The VGM files were logged during gameplay by BoxCubed, and then trimmed to loop properly by MusicFox.

Audio Devices

The game uses the X68000's YM2151 for music and sound effects. It does not use the OKI chip. The game uses the OPMDRV sound driver.


  Japan.svg   Japan
DragonStrike - X68 - Japan.jpg
Title: ドラゴンストライク (DragonStrike)
Platform: X68
Released: 1992-03-31
Publisher: Pony Canyon Inc.
