Bijan Johnson

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Michael "Bijan" Johnson
Gender Male
Born 1967-07-22
Birth Place Unknown
Nationality American   USA.svg
Aliases MJ
Bijan Shaheer

Michael "Bijan" Johnson was a tester and quality assurance supervisor, who worked at Virgin Interactive and EA Pacific. Also, he was a rock musician and bass performer. He was a founder of Cybertone Music.


Released Title Sample Notes
1993-03-08 The Terminator (SCD)
"Future Shock" track.
1995-??-?? PlayStation Developer's Demo Disc (PS1) One track.
1995-??-?? PlayStation Picks (PS1) One track.
1996-04-30 Earthworm Jim 1 & 2: The Whole Can O' Worms (DOS)
Guitars performer in "Anything but Tangerines", "Lorenzen's Soil" and "Continue" tracks.
1996-09-30 Burning Road (PS1) Additional Music with Gordon Madison.
1996-11-11 Earthworm Jim 2 (SAT) (アースワームジム2)
Guitars performer in "Anything but Tangerines", "Lorenzen's Soil" and "Continue" tracks.
1996-11-?? Earthworm Jim 2 (PS1)
Guitars performer in "Anything but Tangerines", "Lorenzen's Soil" and "Continue" tracks.
1997-06-30 VMX Racing (PS1)
With Gordon Madison.
1997-08-31 Treasures of the Deep (PS1) "Dive" track with Gordon Madison.
1998-05-?? Adrenix (W32) Additional Music with Gordon Madison.
1998-??-?? Beavis and Butt-Head: Bunghole in One (W32) Reused music from VMX Racing (PS1).
1999-03-07 Beavis and Butt-Head Do U. (W32) Reused music from VMX Racing (PS1).
1999-03-24 Redline (W32) With Gordon Madison.

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