Silver Surfer (NES)

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Silver Surfer
Silver Surfer - NES.jpg
Platform: NES
Year: 1990
Developer: Software Creations

Silver Surfer is a horizontal-scrolling shooter, similar to Gradius. In this game, the Silver Surfer is summoned by Galactus to collect pieces for a powerful device. To do this, the Silver Surfer must traverse through six worlds, collecting a piece each world is completed. Each of these levels features an enemy from the comic series such as Reptyl, Mephisto, Possessor, Fire Lord, and Kylor. Each stage features a few sub-levels. The game also has an overhead view in some sections, playing similar to Galaga.

The game was highly criticized for its high difficulty; one hit kills you, and there are no kinds of health powerups or temporary invincibility. Pair this with obstacles all over the screen trying to kill you, and you've got a game that's near impossible to complete. However, the game was highly praised for its graphics and music.


Silver Surfer - NES - Title Screen.png

The title screen.

Silver Surfer - NES - Gameplay 1.png

The opening cutscene.

Silver Surfer - NES - Gameplay 2.png

The level select.

Silver Surfer - NES - Gameplay 3.png

Playing Reptyl section 1.

Silver Surfer - NES - Gameplay 4.png

Playing Reptyl section 2, which changes to an overhead view.

Silver Surfer - NES - Gameplay 5.png

This screen is burned into most people's minds who have played it.


The game's soundtrack has been highly praised, some of which calling it one of the best video game soundtracks of all time. The soundtrack consists of fast-paced rock tunes that give the player the high energy. Also, even though there's only 2 in-game tunes, they're both pretty lengthy and catchy, so the listener is unlikely to get bored of the music.

To create the music, Tim had to painstakingly write the music in 6502 assembly machine code, using a sound driver by Software Creations programmer Stephen Ruddy.

Though both Tim and Geoff are credited with music, Geoff said in an interview that Tim did all of the music, and he himself probably only helped out a bit. As a result, Tim is only listed as the composer. [1]

# Title ComposerProgrammer Length Listen Download
01 Title Screen Tim FollinStephen Ruddy 3:11
02 Summoned by Galactus Tim FollinStephen Ruddy 0:32
03 World Selected Tim FollinStephen Ruddy 0:08
04 BGM 1 Tim FollinStephen Ruddy 3:03
05 BGM 2 Tim FollinStephen Ruddy 3:28
06 Section Complete Tim FollinStephen Ruddy 0:06
07 Device Completed Tim FollinStephen Ruddy 1:08
08 Game Over Tim FollinStephen Ruddy 0:09
09 Hi Score Tim FollinStephen Ruddy 2:35



The game's credits only appear after the ending after the start button is pressed. Stephen Ruddy has confirmed programming Software Creations' NES sound driver.

Audio Devices

The game uses the 2A03. The DPCM channel is never used. The game uses Stephen Ruddy's sound driver. The DPCM channel is never used, and as typical with Stephen's driver, the noise channel works in conjunction with the triangle channel to produce more realistic-sounding drums.

Game Rip





  USA.svg   USA
Silver Surfer - NES.jpg
Title: Silver Surfer
Platform: Nintendo Entertainment System
Released: 1990-11-??
Publisher: Arcadia Systems