Naotoshi Nishino

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Naotoshi Nishino
Local 西野 尚利 (にしの なおとし)
Birth Place Japan
Nationality Japanese   Japan.svg

Naotoshi Nishino is a Japanese composer and sound designer who worked with Triodesign, which he may have founded.


Released Title Sample Notes
1995-07-14 Koushien 4 (SFC) (甲子園4) With O‑Gata, Takumi Saito, Morihiro Iwamoto, and Yui Isshiki.
2005-02-17 Yakuza Fury (PS2) (THE任侠)
2006-02-09 Zombie Virus (PS2) (SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.95 THE ゾンビV.S.救急車)
2006-03-30 The Sensha (PSP) (SIMPLE2500シリーズ ポータブル Vol.6 THE 戦車)
2006-04-27 The Adventures of Darwin (PS2) (SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.99 THE 原始人)
2006-09-14 Special Forces (PS2) (SIMPLE2000 シリーズ Vol.108 THE 日本特殊部隊)
